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Walking out of into Pt II

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Walking out of into Pt II
Jan 18, 2025

The Hebrews prayed to God, and He chose Moses to free them from slavery after hearing their cry. Are we crying out to God when we find that we have Walked Out Of —Into the unimaginable? We should be crying out to God for
help. And we should also be crying out to God praising and worshiping Him because He is God!
When the Hebrews left slavery, they took silver, gold, and food with them. However, their mindset was not positive. At some point they started feeling homeless, doubtful, fearful, and wanted to return to Egypt. Have you ever
walked out of a situation thinking it was going to be all good, and when it didn’t go the way, you thought it should, you start looking back at Egypt (bondage)?
They wanted to go back because they were familiar with Egypt, the unknown started to concern them because things weren’t happening fast enough. God was their guide, but they continued to doubt, complain, and walk in
disobedience. Disobedience is what kept the older generation out of the promise land.
Perhaps we need to look at our lives.
• Are we being obedient to God’s word?
• Are we peeling off those people and things that lead us away from God’s word?
• Is God blessing us exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think, but we are forgetting to thank Him?
• A friend said this to me at a business meeting, and it has stuck with me: “You have to be as sure of your assignment as you are of your salvation.” Are you that sure about your assignment?
• Do you keep looking back versus plowing forward?
• Do you trust God with your soul, body, and spirit?
I asked you these questions because we need to be sure of our Yes or No. Our Father in heaven loves you. Answer truthfully, so you can begin to Walk Out Of—Into God’s purpose for your life. Step into LIMITLESS
POTENTIAL. Start pulling others out of the fire!
Life is moving from one chapter to the next, constantly stepping in and out of different experiences. We do not want to get stuck in the Exodus wilderness and stop moving. We want to continue to Walk Out Of— Into what God has
called us to do.
Our Father, in heaven, fill us with your glory so that we may generate a cycle of Walking Into your purpose for our lives. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith; we know that our stories are written very well! God, we are
exhausted from constantly moving in and out. We are ready to surrender our all and walk into and stay in the promise land and enjoy the milk and honey. Amen.
Please feel free to email me about your Walking Out Of—Into experience. At

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